Not quite twenty years ago, there was a big stir when my father welded two pieces of steel together to make a pendant in the shape of a cross for a part he played in the meeting, acting like a priest. Everyone was so offended because he had the nerve to make an idol, even for illustration purposes. Now with these Touchstone Pictures-esque productions, there are machine guns being toted by the actor brothers as casually as briefcases on a Saturday morning. Clearly, my old man was way ahead of Jehovah's digital chariot.
As I once asked him last year: "Dad... be honest. Is this the same religion you remember from years ago?"
He paused while looking straight ahead. Finally, he said it. "No."
@stcukinarut2 Described the situation best by saying my father had been cooked like the frog in a pot of water. Slowly and slowly, the temperature got turned up. And now, it's too late to leap out of this cult which is so clearly bubbling over with scalding nonsense.